40 years experience navigating the tricky waters of Product Distribution

Retail distribution is a minefield, particularly for those new to the game. Bringing your products to the shelves requires resources, and the last thing you need are six figure salaried executives sucking up those resources. That’s where Waypoint comes in! Because we are a “Fractional” sales management team, you get all of our experience for a fraction of the cost.

When a ship makes port, the captain needs a harbor pilot with local knowledge to guide it, not because the captain can’t steer their own ship, but because they can’t possibly know everything about every harbor they enter. Similarly, when you’re entering different CPG channels, you’ll benefit from the knowledge of an experienced brand management crew to pilot you through the challenges of getting your products on shelf.

Maximize your ROI without compromising on industry experience. The Waypoint Marketing Crew has over 75 years of combined experience helping brands grow.  Our collective experiences in brokerage, retail and distribution, as well as our collective education in areas such as business, marketing, and psychology, gives Waypoint a unique perspective on the process of launching and growing CPG products

Waypoint Marketing Group comes alongside you, charts your course to the shelf, and monitors market currents, so you don’t find yourself adrift. We provide strategic solutions for your sales challenges and product launches through turnkey Sales managment